
01 Admin Post

Sheria Kiganjani Annual Report 2023

As we reflect on the journey of Sheria Kiganjani over the past five years, it fills me with immense gratitude to every one of you who has been a part of our mission to ensure access to justice for all Tanzanians. Our belief in the power of collective energy, innovation, and technology has been the driving force behind our efforts, and as we mark this significant milestone, we extend our heartfelt thanks to all of you for your unwavering support.

Soma Zaidi
01 Admin Post

Youth Leadership Program

Join the movement! Sheria Kiganjani, in collaboration with Digital Opportunity Trust, and the Mastercard Foundation is proud to announce that applications are now open for the Youth Leadership Program 2024-2025. Part of the Going Beyond Project, this transformative initiative aims to equip young graduates with the skills, knowledge, and resources needed to drive social change and foster entrepreneurship in their communities.

Soma Zaidi
01 Admin Post

Civil Society Organization (CSO) Week 2023

Sheria Kiganjani had the privilege to attend the Civil Society Organization (CSO) Week 2023 held in Arusha, Tanzania from 23rd to 27th November and represented by our Programs Officer Genila Hiel.

Soma Zaidi
01 Admin Post

Sheria Kiganjani Presented with system Innovators Award by Segal Family Foundation

Since its inception in 2018, Sheria Kiganjani has reached over 2 million Tanzanians, resolving over 700 cases every year. We have connected more than 930 users to lawyers, empowering individuals and communities to protect their rights and find fair resolutions to their disputes...Said Neema Magimba, Co- Founder and Head of Legal at Sheria Kiganjani during the Award Ceremony.

The System Innovator award catalyzes and calls for massive revamps and improvements of our platform to fit the day to day needs of our users.

Soma Zaidi
01 Admin Post

Sheria Kiganjani Partners with MHOLA to digitize their Systems

In a move to revolutionize Mama’s Hope for Legal Assistance operations and bolstering the social impact in providing legal aid services, Sheria Kiganjani recently entered into a transformative contract to offer its expertise in digitizing MHOLA’s systems.

Under this agreement, Sheria Kiganjani will work to bring with MHOLA to introduce digital solutions to streamline MHOLA’s operations, enhance data management and provide valuable insights in provision of legal aid services hence amplifying the organization’s reach and effectiveness.

Soma Zaidi

Timu Yetu